
Key information from the 'Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Coal' dated from February 3, 1999 № 18, regulating relationships between the State, supplier and consumer. 



State coal quality regulation
In order to ensure high quality coal standards, required level of safety for people and environment during production, storage, transportation and use of coal, the standards or specifications for coal and its products are developed in the prescribed manner. Also it is mandatory to pass coal certification in accordance with the current legislation the Kyrgyz Republic.
Controversial coal compliance issues are resolved in court.
Law of Kyrgyz Republic on coal, dated from February 3, 1999 №18, article 20
The functions and responsibilities of coal mining (processing) companies
All legal entities and individuals engaged in the extraction, processing and sale of coal and (or) processing coal products must ensure:
high quality coal and (or) its products, the availability of normative documents regulating the requirements for quality and safety;
Law of Kyrgyz Republic on coal, dated from February 3, 1999 №18, article 12, point 1.