On August 19, the team from the Naryn Energy Consumer Rights Protection Center (ECRPC) visited the Kochkor district in the Naryn Region to raise awareness to the population prior to the start of the autumn-winter period.

During the visit, the staff of Naryn Consumer Rights Protection Center met with representatives of local authorities, management of Kochkor District Electric Grids of Vostokelectro Naryn Branch, activists, local citizens, workers of public institutions, and local mass media. Trainings, information meetings and a round table were held at the premises of social institutions.

The team met with Kerimkulov N.B., the first deputy of the akim of Kochkor district. They discussed the preparation for the heating period. Mr. Kerimkilov noted that the logistics for coal delivery and distribution is on the desired level. For example, a retail price for 1 ton of coal at Kara-Keche mine is 1145 soms whilst in Naryn it is sold at the price of 3000 soms per 1 ton. The deputy was interested in the work of the Community Centers and proposed to support information and awareness-raising activities in rural districts of Kochkor.

The same day ECRPC team met with the management of the Kochkor District Electric Grids of Vostokelectro Naryn Branch. The deputy director – Kanat Kadyrakunov – admitted that there are issues related to the quality of customer service, but he stressed that the situation had improved in comparison to the previous year. The participants agreed to ensure expeditious resolution of customers’ enquires.