«Creating Transparency in the Coal Market in the South of Kyrgyzstan»
Contracting Authority: IRG USAID
Narrative description/ Abstract of Project Objectives:
The aim of this project was to develop a map on regional variations in coal prices; draft of a coal price monitoring report, organise media-tours, increase the awareness of regional coal price variations and coal quality differences, respond to the critical source of instability during the winter months and to support civil society advocacy on increased government transparency.
Description of services provided by Unison: Weekly monitoring of coal prices was conducted through the Consumer Rights Protection Centers network in Osh, Batken and Jalal-Abad oblasts. The coal supply and demand points (trade points) were mapped in Osh and Jalal-Abad Oblasts to inform consumers on the comparative analysis of the final cost of coal and the quality of combustion and coal quality check-points (labs in Bishkek, Osh, mines in Tashkumir, Sulukta, Alai). Tours were offered to media representatives (such as press and television journalists) in Osh during which different properties of the coal (e.g. calorific value, radiation, spontaneous combustion in the open air, properties of ash slag and flue gas, and so forth) were discussed and demonstrated. In addition, 100 copies of the coal monitoring report were edited and printed in Russian and Kyrgyz and distributed to the local villages.
For more details, download a full report.: http://energy.unison.kg/sites/default/files/an_report_ru.pdf