Energy sector assessment using the EDIT toolkit
Project Objectives:
During this project a survey was carried out on energy activities that involved government officials, electricity company staff and energy consumers based on the Electricity Distribution Interface Toolkit (EDIT). During the project, short-term technical assistance was provided to assist the team with initial data analysis and drafting a comprehensive analytical report and recommendations. It was also translated into Kyrgyz and English, and then printed and 1,500 copies were distributed to stakeholders.
The purpose of the project was to:
a) empower civil society and consumer groups to better understand problems and issues relating to electricity service delivery and enable more informed engagement with and advocacy to utilities, government and other related agencies;
b) to improve the effectiveness and accountability of the energy sector through inclusive decision-making and informed civil society engagement in the Fuel and Energy Sector Transparency Initiative (FESTI).
For more details, download a full report: